Friday, April 17, 2015

the fireman came to visit

Wednesday, Ryan the fireman came to visit us at school and it was a blast!! I was weeding through the pictures this morning and after I took out all of the ones that weren't as good as the rest, I still had 54! We wanted to share some of the fun with you all through our pictures.
Ryan the fireman talked with us a lot about fire safety.  If there is a fire at our house, it is important to get outside as quickly as possible and to not go back in no matter what. He told us to decide on a specific meeting place outside so that all of the family ends up in the same location. We learned that the phone number for the fire department is 911 and to never play with any matches or lighters of any kind.
Ryan came in in his plain clothes uniform so that we could see that he is a super nice and regular guy. Then he put his bunker gear on piece by piece and told us what each item was, which part of his body it protected, and why he had to have it. He showed us his air pack that he uses to breathe in a smoky fire. He even talked to us while he had on his mask and air pack so that we would know what a fireman sounds like under all of his gear.
Fire fighters often look intimidating when they have on all of their fire protectant bunker gear, so, it was great for us to be able to talk with him about it all and watch him slowly put everything on.
We loved meeting him!!
with love..

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